Quotes from Participants

I enjoy writing because it is the only seva I can do in my own time that doesn't take away from my kids. It makes me want to be a better person - I think it brings out the best in you when writing to others. Sometimes when I am feeling down or 'self pitying' then I try to turn that into something more possitive and I end up inspiring myself in the process. Writing has saved me from myself more than once.
I have also in the past been on the receiving end and it makes you feel very special when a letter arrives. I always looked so forward to my letters. Someone had enough time to write me a letter just to cheer me up.
Eventually I felt so good about getting my letters that I wanted to do that for other people as well.

Why I participate in the Circle of Love letter writing:
My desire to write is for several reasons. One pertains to the request by Amma and the desire to serve. It is a manageable Seva. I also find the COL provides an opportunity to work on detachment and service as I do not expect a returned response from the people I write to. This seva also offers me a chance to reflect upon my own day and life and consider what is important. I heard an interview of a man who is 100 years old and one comment he made was the value to help others in life. That this is key to living. The COL is a chance to connect and help another soul.

Letter writing is my favorite meditation. I sit quietly. I breath
and allow the love to fill my heart and circulate through my entire
body. I sit in the loving state and write. I am grateful for the
opportunity to give. Just a small seva to help create a loving
world where we truly live as one.

I wish you support on you blogging efforts.


Circle of Love has been fun and uplifting. Everytime I
find new quotes to paste in someones letter and then seal
up a letter and mail it, I feel wonderul. I walk to the
mailbox light and happy and know that those letters are
blessed by Amma.

Yes please keep the letters coming, they have been God-sent each week, I felt like a flower wilting and soaked up the fresh rains and feel all revived and refreshed again each time I received and read the letter
I have enjoyed writing very much, as it helps me to keep my spirits up as I share positive light with others who are not as fortunate or healthy as I have been blessed to be, in this lifetime
The Circle of Love Letters is an excellent Seva project for me. I am the mother of two young children, so this opportunity is working out perfectly!!!! I try to write to my recipients every Wednesday evening, but that can be flexible as long as a letter goes out by Friday, that is my policy for me. Sometimes I can hardly wait to sit down and share some news with my COL friends, and other times I sit down thinking, "oh dear, what will I write about tonight????" AND always, with the grace from Our Amma, words flow from my hand and my letters have been written in no time at all!!! It is truly magical. This Seva has allowed me to let true Divine Love flow out to my fellow brothers and sisters the way I feel Our Amma wants us to love everyone. It is a wonderful Seva as I continue onto the Truth of my true Self.
I am glad by the grace of amma, i am still able to continue to volunteer for circle of love letter. After coming to U.S i was not able to participate in much volunteer services like i use to, COL has really helped me to keep the light of service glowing in me.

Thank you so much for giving me an opportunity to SERVE. And i am ready for the next round. Let me know whether you could find someone else who could write in tamil for my current recipient (if they want to continue receiving letters) or i'll be glad to continue to write to her.

Writing letters to someone keeps me "in check", put me right in the spirit of we-are-all-one and be positive and mentally/emotionally strong from within first before it flows out the vibes to others. It really comes back full circle.
This Seva showed me that the act of writing was as much for me as for those that received letters.
It made me look within, and it helped me take time from my "busy-ness" and drop gadgets, to shut off the noises, and pick up the pen. As I wrote, I'd find myself in the life of a total stranger, writing and wondering how the letters were being received, and if they were helping at all. I'd imagine how nice it would be to send flowers, or presents and on holidays, and once I did get creative. Actually, sending a stocking to each of my recipients at Christmas made my Christmas this year. At times, when I was a little down myself, writing brought me back quickly because I realized my down day was a drop in the bucket compared to the troubles other people were experiencing. I also found that letter writing made me more positive towards myself because with no responses back, one has to feel the magic of knowing our good deeds were indeed good without expectation of return, or praise for doing something nice.

I have seen the subtle effects of this seva, it helps both the recipients and the writers. It helps the writers heart to expand, allowing you to touch the divine within, the source of inspiration. In that subtle embrace, it has a great effect on those that receive the letters, helping grace to flow to those in needed.

It is a blessing that Amma made this possible, so I don,t feel so alone, even if I am shut in.
THis helps me a lot to stay connected to the world and communicate with loving and supportive souls, like you too. THank you.0
As for my experience writing, I would say that by God's Grace it has made me a more humble, more loving and better person and I see the change in me.When I write encouraging words to people who need them and pray for them, I am blessed because I need the same encouragement myself in my hard times; you receive what you give and it comes back. I feel the strength of prayers myself when I need them most. Don't know if it makes sense, its hard to explain but this whole experience is kind of like a Divine Blessing.
We are all connected by this interdependent web of existence and certainly good thoughts and words and prayers said anywhere always bear positive and great results.
Every morning since I have begun being a COLL writer and recipient, I find a love outlet- I send a letter to any one of many friends via e mail, slow post and/or prayer. This seva has brought me to a practice that I have been able to do faithfully and consistently. Its blessings are so abundant, so powerful, so magnificent. It helps me transmute and transform the myriad feeling details of my challenges into so much good. I feel so lucky to have met Amma, and so fortunate for this beautiful seva, so effective and simple.
i have always loved writing. when i was a little girl, i used to write short stories. i have written poems for as long as i can remember. writing, spelling, and grammar have always come naturally to me and i seem to have a knack for it.

i love writing to others because i have always been a thoughtful person. i love getting "Real mail," aside from emails, so i know others must love receive real mail, too.

besides that, i am a firm believer in being kind to everyone. you never know what they may be enduring.

one of my personal daily goals is to make people smile, so by writing these letters, it helps me achieve that goal as well as helping others.